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Net Zero is dead. Only the fanatics haven’t realised it

If building new gas plants is inconsistent with Net Zero, then Net Zero is inconsistent with a functioning power grid

Rishi Sunak has made the case for building new gas-fired power plants on the grounds that reliable sources of electricity generation are needed to back up the intermittency of wind and solar generation. This simple statement of reality has prompted hostile comments from the usual suspects, claiming that this is inconsistent with Net Zero commitments.
The famous economist John Maynard Keynes once said: “When the facts change, I change my mind – what do you do, sir?”.  It is surely clear by now that our current Net Zero commitments are not physically achievable or economically affordable on the timescale claimed.
Like others, I have examined whether or how a decarbonised electricity system might work in 2035 using government projections of investment in wind and solar generation. Detailed analysis shows that we need at least 30 GW of flexible and reliable generation for up to a third of hours in the year when wind and solar generation plus supplies over transmission connections to the continent cannot meet demand. This is the gap that the PM wants to fill.
The alternatives to gas generation are either too expensive or unlikely to be developed in time. Battery systems cost a fortune and are only suitable for short term storage – a few hours at most. Hydrogen is expensive and will require years to develop the necessary infrastructure. Most variants of carbon capture for gas plants are still experimental and large-scale storage of carbon dioxide is proving to be more difficult than expected. Serious amounts of nuclear power cannot be built within 10 years.
Even under favourable assumptions, the alternatives to gas generation can only have a small impact by 2035. The realistic choice is between endlessly extending the life of old and inefficient gas plants or building new and much more efficient units. Unfortunately, the PM is somewhat naïve about the second option. Given the Government’s behaviour over the last 15 years, private investors will not build the plants required without ironclad guarantees backed by serious amounts of money. 
The capital cost of gas is, I believe, much lower than for wind or solar when adjusted for availability. Still, about £2 billion per year for 15 years will need to be guaranteed for what are called capacity payments to ensure that new plants are built and available to operate whenever required. The reduction in carbon emissions will be significant. Modern gas plants produce at least 30% less carbon dioxide per MWh of electricity than running plants that are nearly 30 years old.
Building networks that provide reliable and universal electricity supplies is probably the great technological achievement of the 20th century. The economic and social costs of unreliable electricity are huge – ask anyone in South Africa today. Everything from health care and education to offices, warehouses and industry depends on reliable electricity supplies. If businesses and households do not trust the electricity system, they will create their own backup systems using generators and batteries. No government rules will stop them. The result will likely be higher emissions as well as great expense.
The response to Mr Sunak’s article illustrates that many advocates of Net Zero live in a fantasy world and are, apparently, content to sacrifice the future welfare of the UK’s population on the altar of arbitrary and artificial goals. In our world there is a simple choice to ensure reliable electricity supplies in 2035. Either we build a lot of new gas-fired generation capacity, or we extend the life of older inefficient plants. In neither case is a fully decarbonised electricity system possible, but the option of doing little or nothing is clearly worse than making the commitment to building new plants.
There are too many artificial deadlines in the climate change field, but this one is real. It takes between 3 and 5 years to build a new gas-fired power plant at an existing site under the UK’s current planning system. Another 1-2 years is required for contracts and project finance. These are minimum periods as 30 GW of plant capacity can’t be built at one time. A program of this scale must start in 2025 or 2026 to have any chance of meeting the UK’s needs in 2035. Unless we start now, we face blackouts within a decade.
